Harvest Monday Week 38

Thank you Daphne for hosting Harvest Monday!

Last week was just… terrible! I had so much work and couldn’t catch up with all your comments. I couldn’t even catch up with harvesting… I’m trying to answer comments asap and comment on your blog as well, bear with me guys!

The harvest is red and green this week. I had to break down 1.5 tomato plants yesterday. They were literally eaten up by white flies, spider mites and cracking from the rain we had during the last weeks. I took the green tomatoes inside, I’ll weigh and include them into the tally as soon as they ripen. They might ripen faster on the counter than they would on the vines, because it’s warmer at night. I also harvested many Tumbling Tom tomatoes green, because they just drop off as soon as they change color – and fall over the railing, never to be seen again.

Mung bean sprouts

More sprouts and micro greens are to be harvested this week. Look forward to nice shades of green during the winter!

Harvest in numbers:

Hot peppers: 398 fruits, 1286 g = 45 oz = 2,8 lbs

Tomatoes: 157 fruits, 2585 g = 91 oz = 5,7 lbs

Sprouts: 62 g = 2 oz

About 3,93 kg / 8,7 lbs by now!

6 Responses

  1. You are getting quite an abundant harvest in your loggia. Way to go!

    • Thank you Angela!

  2. Nice harvest! It’s been a while since I’ve sprouted mung beans. They sure are nice to have when it’s the dead of winter.

  3. I bet those green tomatoes will ripen up in no time! It’s sad to see the warm summer nights ending, but this has been one hot summer so I’m ready for a break. 🙂

  4. Wonderful harvest, and I know just how you feel. I’m only halfway through the Harvest Monday posts and it is Wednesday already. I think it will be Friday before I catch up.

  5. Thanks Daphne, thyme2garden and Thomas!!!

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